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Social Media Videos – What Viewers Care About

By April 9, 2017 No Comments

Social Media Videos, the latest trends

Social media videos are arguably the most effective way to advertise your products, spread your messages and drive traffic to your blog or website. According to Statista, there are about 2.34billion social media users in the world today. To get a good slice from this bank of traffic through your videos, you must consider the content, duration, clarity and size of your videos. It is reported by YouTube that online video consumption rises 100% every year. Also according to Insivia, 500 million people watch videos on facebook daily. It is worth the effort to create a good video.

Social Media Videos that attract

The main feature of a social media video that attracts viewers is content. Quality content. It must be targeted and not vague. It must be simple enough so s not to leave viewers guessing what it was all about after the video. You must have your target audience in mind when creating content. Don’t create content that appeals primarily to you. You are not the target audience, they are. Think like them by researching their preferences and disposition. Also create content that can be understood largely without audio as statistics according to Insivia, show that 85% of facebook users watch videos on facebook without audio.

The picture quality should be good enough so as not to constitute a distraction to your content. Let your viewers focus on your content and not visual interferences.

Short videos tend to sell more than long videos. This is because people have a lot to see, hear and interact with on social media, so viewers tend to stay with shorter videos. According to VINDICO, 80% of video ads are abandoned within the first half of the ad. Two-thirds of consumers prefer videos under 60secs according to Insivia. According to Jun Group, videos that are 15seconds or shorter, are shared 37% more often than those that last between 30seconds and 1minute.

Videos with large file size tend to discourage viewers. According to Google, 4 out of 5 users will click away if the video stalls.

You will want everyone to be able to download because every viewer is a potential marketer for you.

Make sure the audio is clear enough. If it is a selfie video, stay away from noise and limit movement around place of recording.

Get a catchy title for your Social Media Video, social media titles are important. People remember what they see especially pictures more than what they hear or read. According to Insivia, 4 times as many customers would rather watch a video bout a product than read about it.

Marco de Groen

Marco de Groen

A flying Dutchman who is Graphic Designer  Multimedia Designer | Webdesigner | Blogger | Illustrator | Infographics | Social Media | Brand Manager | Branding | Owner/Founder Asian Customs and The Daily Roar and Blackstone Design

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